Monday, November 5, 2012

Diigo: Week 9: Educational Technology Edition

This week I read a few articles that have to do with topics relating to education technology that I have recently discussed.

ASCD published an article regarding the BYOD (bring your own device) trend in technologically driven schools, a phenomena discussed in the webinar discussing Carpe Diem and St. Mary's.

The New York Times published yet another article regarding the ever expanding and developing web-services for free, online college level courses like Corsera, Udacity, and edX, now known as massive open online courses (MOOCs).

The New York Times also published an article regarding how technology (for entertainment and research) may affect not only student’s attention spans, but the ways teachers must teacher in order to reach students and keep them engaged. Some teachers are unwilling make their lessons more entertaining for the sake of reaching students who are driven by the (instant) gratification of virtual realities and search engine research. However, these teachers are finding themselves offering more one-on-one instruction to address students’ declining communication skills. Other teachers see that they must change their lessons simply in order to adapt to a new generation of students.

Learn more about these topics by accessing these articles and others through my Public Diigo Library.

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