Friday, November 9, 2012

Curricular Resource Blog

     I am currently taking a course at Shenandoah University in which I was required to collect and present to my colleagues, resources relating to one standard of the Virginia Standards of Learning. The trick was that it needed to be done digitally. After all, teachers' filing cabinets are becoming a thing of the past. Collecting classroom resources digitally allows them to easily be shared throughout one or more teaching communities.

     The resources I collected were for standard 5.6 which requires fifth grade students to learn about the ocean environment as a component of the science curriculum. To view the resources, check out my 5th grade oceanography resource file blog.

     After creating and managing this blog, I realized that the most effective way for me to present my efforts was through a blog. I figured that I would personally be more likely to make use of this type of product because done well, blogs allow users to make information visually appealing, easily navigable, and organized. Creating a blog allowed me to organize my resources  by SOL sub-topics as well as by resource type. In addition, all of the resources I found were digital, requiring hot links for access. I decided it would be most efficient to include streamlined links for each resource through a larger, online source. Finally, I wanted to make sure that my resources would not be stuck on my hard drive; by organizing them in blog posts, myself and others will be able to access them anytime from any computer and the information is less likely to get lost.

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